Tyršák became the new year-round event platform on the bank of river Danube in Bratislava. A place in Bratislava known to be a neglected area without a wider use has undergone significant revitalization and has changed into an urban beach.
The Tyršák project was to continue after a successful pilot year. “The motivation was public interest and overall positive atmosphere. That is why at the beginning of 2020, we have decided to implement our initial bold plans to create a project of the future,” said Michal Svarinský, Managing director of Institute of Promotion, and added: "In ground-breaking time, we have managed to reshape the terrain, plant a new lawn, install a 250-meter long hedgerow and complete the technical infrastructure. During the time of emergency, it was everything but easy to reach out to partners. Like us, and perhaps more skeptically, they have watched the epidemiological situation unfold closely.

Winter edition of Tyršák
This year the Winter Tyršák is starting on November 17. "We are pleased that we are also meeting commercial objectives. This year we have significantly exceeded the sales plan of our long-term strategic partner, Heineken. We have even exceeded the pre-pandemic figures from a similar summer project we organized,” said Svarinský for Stratégie and added: “Having won the competition, we concluded a commercial lease contract with the City Magistrate for the lease of land, which allows us to plan and develop the project in the future for a longer term.
What makes the project exceptional
“Tyršák is our own agency project that precisely meets our vision – creating a year-round event platform. Especially in these times, we have felt how important it is to create a high-quality and functional public space where people can meet safely and enjoy culture or sport,” says Svarinský and adds that another objective of the project is to create a platform that will fully meet these needs both in the summer and also in the winter period.
During the upcoming months, the project will focus on supporting local design and fashion in cooperation with URBAN MARKET. People of Bratislava can look forward to winter patios and a space layout suitable for organizing events in the concept of a Christmas market, making Tyršák an ideal space for organizing corporate events.
Tyršák cares about the future
At Tyršák, waste is carefully sorted throughout the year using deposit cups or compostable dishes. Complete processing of bio-waste was provided for by the partner YEME full-flavor groceries. In addition to that, we are powered by green photovoltaic energy from ZSE.
The Tyršák project has its unique visual identity, which surrounds the entire beach area. The logo is created by connecting individual segments of Bratislava streets. Those were joined together, creating the image of Miroslav Tyrš, who gave his name to the waterfront.

Tyršák is the author project of INSTITUTE OF PROMOTION with the support of partners: Západoslovenská energetika, Nové Lido, Heineken, Stock Slovensko, Tchibo Slovakia, digital operator Radosť, YEME full-flavor groceries, VšZP, Hospodárske noviny, Tier Mobility, OLO, BKIS.