
Live / Online

inspired by life

Organizing an event is challenging because it depends on the interplay of many details. We pride ourselves on our dynamic and passionate approach to every single event.

You will be guided through every step of preparing your event, from the initial idea to the final details of its execution. Our events prioritize ecology and sustainability.

Rest assured that your event will run seamlessly, as we have a proven track record of successful events spanning over two decades. In addition, we provide budget protection, essential equipment, and creative ideas through precise planning and intelligent economic solutions.

Institute of Promotions Bratisalva implements a green footprint in all projects
Mestská pláž Tyršák v BratislaveRôznorodosť akcií organizovaných na Tyršovom nábreží v Bratislave
Tyršák logo
Tyršák at night
Tyršák beach - Tyršovo nábrežie (waterfront) Bratislava

eventsIn-house event
platform Tyršák

Thanks to our efforts, a previously neglected area known to locals in Bratislava has been revitalized into a high-quality public space that offers cultural and sporting activities for people to enjoy. Tyršák has successfully met our goal of creating an event venue that can be used all year round and is available for hosting your events. This location is perfect for showcasing products and hosting corporate events and team building activities.

Our satisfied clients

  • Telekom
  • ZSE Západo-slovenské elektrárne
  • ESET
  • Volkswagen
  • HB Reavis
  • Holcim
  • GSK GlaxoSmithKline
  • Johnson Controls
  • Slovenské elektrárne
  • Pernord Ricard
  • Orange Slovensko
  • Oberbank3 Banken gruppe
  • ČSOB - Česko-slovenská obchodná banka
  • Porsche slovakia
  • Allianz poisťovňa
  • O2 Slovensko
  • Lancia
  • Alfa romeo
  • Peugeot
  • Slovensko-talianská obchodná komora
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa
  • Univerzitný technologický inkubátor STU
  • adient
  • dovera
  • lenovo
  • tchibo
  • p&g
  • trznica nivy
  • swiss re
  • Huawei
Kreativita, live eventy, teambuildingy, konferencie jedným slovom Institute of Promotion BratislavaKreativita, live eventy, teambuildingy, konferencie jedným slovom Institute of Promotion Bratislava

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